We have qualified Electronics Engineers who have redesigned these harnesses along with connectors which eliminated the original design fault and made it much stronger and more reliable than original clock spring. (5 series, 6series and 7 series) F01 F02 F06 F07 F10 F11 and F12. Steering wheel all of sudden started making clicking noise, your steering wheel controls, and horn stopped working and your airbag light turned ON.
It means your clock spring broke down which is quite expensive part but don't worry we got very reasonable solution for you. We got brand new wiring harnesses customized for all kind of BMW clock springs which would make your original clock spring as brand new. Your part number doesn't really matter to us. You would need to bring your car to one of our locations (Oldham / Birmingham / Skelmersdale).We will remove yourclock spring, repair that and install back, recode it if required and remove fault code. This procedure will take 1 hour.
Live Chat with us on the Given. And book us at your nearest location. You can post your clock spring as well.We would repair it and send it back to you very next day. Please contact first before purchasing the part because it's a repair service.